Jun 2Liked by Cayly Marisa

💙💙💙 It can feel like death to take time off or accept help with meals or errands (I know), but perhaps even posting your current state/struggles counts as reaching out/accepting help? Seems like a step towards more of what you believe in - mutual aid, community, authenticity… Hope all goes well with your surgery and recovery. We’ll be with you in spirit.

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Thank you, Lael. I know you know how hard it can be to stop, even when we know how essential it is that we do. ♥️♥️♥️

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Jun 1Liked by Cayly Marisa

I feel this 100%! I was just talking with a friend who is having a hard time as a parent and a person, in general, right now. She told me she was talking to another friend about her situation and that friend told her she is doing this to herself because she won't ask for help. I told her we fundamentally know we can ask for help but feeling safe to do so is a completely different thing.

We used to live in an apartment where the doors face your neighbors. We had some new people move in across from us and it looked to be a single mom with one elementary age child. One day we noticed him outside well after 9pm even peeing behind the trees. We told him if he needed to use the restroom to come knock or if he needed a snack to do the same. The next day we noticed they put up a coded key box for him when he gets home from school. He seemed to be home overnight alone and just the typical latchkey kid. My husband made a comment how mature this CHILD is. I immediately spoke up, as a former latchkey kid myself, and said that isn't to be praised. It's messed up that this is the situation for so many. It isn't fair that he has to cook for himself or get himself off to school. I am not ignorant to the fact the mom has to work and understand this is a societal thing but it made me sad. Made me sad for him that he has to be that way for survival.

It makes me sad for little me and little you and all the other used to be littles who suffered alone because it showed strength and resilience. It's still hard for me to bring up pain because most of the time I am used to it. When I had my surgery the doctor told me to take the pain meds as scheduled and not wait to be in pain as I would have waited too long. She said that it isn't cool to suffer. That I don't have to do that. And you know what, I took those damn pills even though I didn't want to. I recovered great with very little discomfort, for me, and I hope that with your surgery you can do the same. That you take your meds and be comfortable and know it's okay to lay around and rest and heal. Let Jeff and the cats and your support system CARE for you because they want to. Love you Cayly for all you have done for me and for the realness of your words and actions. PS. the anesthesiologist asked me if I wanted anything before I went into the surgical unit to take away any anxiety and gladly said yes. It made me feel so much better and that was the best sleep I had since becoming a parent almost 15 years ago! Hugs to you!

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Megan. Thank you. This brought tears to my eyes. You are an actual delight — I hope you know that. I tell people every day at work that I don’t believe in suffering to suffer, but internalizing that belief for myself & understanding that it also applies to me is an entirely different thing. I appreciate you immensely. So much love to you. ♥️♥️♥️

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