This is No Thank You, a newsletter/writing project I started as a way to re-establish myself as a writer, talk about the things that are hard to talk about (mental health, in particular), and rehabilitate my brain after spending far far too much time on instagram over the past few years. Posts here will generally include a personal esssay/musing + recommendations based on things I have been enjoying in recents days. This space is ever-evolving and still telling me what it ultimately wants to be, but I hope you get some value out of it and that, perhaps, it inspires you to start carving out time to tend to your own creative pursuits.
Thanks for being here.
About me:
Hi! I’m Cayly. I am an acupuncturist with a private practice in Portland, Oregon, and just celebrated 13 years in business. Being self-employed through a pandemic was quite the experience and I feel exceedingly grateful to have survived the past few years — both personally and professionally. In a past life, I was an aspiring writer, who studied English Literature as an undergrad. I still read obsessively and am madly in love with the written word, and I started this newsletter as a means of reconnecting with this previous, more literary version of myself. This space is also a place to talk honestly about mental health — as a person intimately familiar with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation, and as an adult navigating complex ptsd, these things are very close to my heart. My mother died in May of 2023, after a short and devastating illness (metastatic breast cancer) — I am still very much grieving/integrating this loss and will undoubtedly share parts of this process here. I live with my partner of several years and our two elderly cats. I am childfree by choice and a lifelong athlete. I will write about all of these things, I’m sure. You can find my business website here and I’m also on instagram @caylymarisa.